Hyperspace Lazor Party! Turbo GOTY edition

Heya everyone!

So I finished my project, or more accurately, I got lazy attempting to add new things and coding seems to be the bane of my existence.

Link here!

So, here’s what I have done:
All sprites are made by me;
All sprites are animated (though some may not appear to do so, I’m having legacy issues);
Added particle systems to nearly everything I could reasonably justify (albeit poorly at some points);
All particle systems except for the ship’s thrust are animated sprite sheets particle systems I made;
Added a life bar;
Added a health pickup;
Enemy formations can now spawn moving left (much wow! such tech!).

Here’s what I’ve tried to do but…

…Didn’t finish:
Multiple enemy types (I made 6 different animated alien sprites);
Wave based level system with increasing difficulty (in terms of enemies spawned);
Multiple powerups;

…Couldn’t figure out:
How to get particle system prefabs to instantiate with the emission and shape settings as per the inspector.

If you have any questions or feedback in general I’d be happy to hear! :smile:

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Old skool vibe ! Took me back a lot of years to Invaders/Galaxian days.

Really well done, the animation of the packs of enemies is great.
Difficulty is about right; i.e. stressful but not impossible.

I wanted to clear the purple guys to see what was next but I think you didn’t get that far.

You should stick with it and add waves & powerups.

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Awesome job! Love the erratic animation of the mobs when they break-off. Sweet music choice too.

As far as the Emission and Shape. I’m fairly certain if you instantiate at the prefab’s default transform (position, rotation, scale) everything should just work. Double check you’re not using Quaternion.identity (if your particle is supposed to be rotated). Outside of sharing your problem code, that’d be my best guess. :slight_smile:

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Yeah I managed to figure out that it was indeed the Quaternion.identity that was causing the systems to emit in the wrong direction :stuck_out_tongue: managed to get it fixed tho.

Thanks for the feedback in general guys :blush: I’m still trying to do a little polishing on the game so lets see how it goes :+1:

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