How to setup Raylib with VSCode C++ without template repo?

I’d like to really understand how to setup Raylib, instead of just downloading the template. Whenever I search for instructions on how to do this, I only find tutorials with similar template repositories or C-specific tutorials. Could anyone redirect me to a resource where I can learn how to setup raylib myself?

To my knowledge, there’s no “here’s how to setup Raylib from scratch” documentation available that doesn’t involve some form of template. That said, here’s some tidbits to study that could help you figure out how these templates are made:

On the surface, these two concepts are what form the basis of what makes the template work. There’s a bunch more related to compilers and linking that I don’t have the confidence in to be able to explain (there’s entire jobs dedicated to just making build templates and configurations) but if you want to dive deeper then this could be a start.

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