How to make the higher and lower buttons unclickable if the guess= 1000?

hello …

i want to make the buttons higher or lower unclickable if the guess = max or 1000 in our case here or if the guess is equal to min or 1 so that only correct button remains clickable ?
i know this problem can be solved a number of ways and probably in easier ways than this but i guess this way is more fun and learning it can be useful for future situations as well

this is my code

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using TMPro;
public class number : MonoBehaviour
     [SerializeField] int max;
     [SerializeField] int min ;
     [SerializeField] TextMeshProUGUI guessText;
     int guess;
     // Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()

    void StartGame()

    public void OnpressHigher ()
        min = guess+1;

    public void OnpressLower ()
        max = guess -1;

    void NextGuess()
        guess = Random.Range(min, max);
        guessText.text = guess.ToString(); 

Hi Mustafa,

Did you also create a thread over on Udemy?

I’ve posted an example there.

[SerializeField] Button higherButton;
[SerializeField] Button lowerButton;

void NextGuess()
    // If 'guess' is within range, create new guess value
    if (guess > guess || guess < 1000)
        guess = Random.Range(min, max);
        guessText.text = guess.ToString();

    // If 'guess' is not within range, disable buttons
        higherButton.interactable = false;
        lowerButton.interactable = false;

Maybe this is not what you imagined. Feel free to rewrite the if-conditions so they match your rules.

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i did this as u showed

but it gives me this error

also how do u specify in the editor that these 2 buttons are those that we need ? these 2 [SerializeField] Button higherButton;
[SerializeField] Button lowerButton;

First of all, fix the first issue in your console. It probably refers to line 51.

Regarding the comparison, use >= and <= instead of => and =<.

The [SerializeField] attribute exposes a field in the Inspector. Assign your buttons to the respective fields.

yes i had those problem too …it worked when i moved the if statements into the onpresshigher and onpresslower functions and put it under the nextguess(); method and removing else

this only fixed the going above 1000 or 1 but if the numbers were in between we would still get this issue but changing it to

if (min == max ||  max < min)
    LowerButton.interactable = false;
    HigherButton.interactable = false;

solved this.

added this to both buttons and i guess this bug is finally solved for good

this is my code entirely if anyone else wants to solve this issue by making the buttons unclickable

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using TMPro;
using UnityEngine.UI;

public class number : MonoBehaviour
    [SerializeField] int max = 1000;
    [SerializeField] int min = 1 ;
    [SerializeField] TextMeshProUGUI guessText;
    [SerializeField] Button HigherButton;
    [SerializeField] Button LowerButton;

    int guess; 

    // Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()

    void StartGame ()

    public void OnpressHigher ()

        min = guess + 1;

        if (  min == max || max < min)
            HigherButton.interactable = false;
            LowerButton.interactable = false;

    public void OnpressLower ()
        max = guess - 1;

        if (min == max ||  max < min)
            LowerButton.interactable = false;
            HigherButton.interactable = false;

    void NextGuess()
            guess = Random.Range(min, max);
            guessText.text = guess.ToString();

thanks alot for helping till the end you taught valuable things. im sure more people will benefit as well if they read through too.


Good job, and thanks for sharing your code. I’m sure other people will benefit from it. :slight_smile:

By the way, while I was editing your post to format the code properly, I noticed that I made a stupid mistake in my if-condition. Of course, it had to say: if (guess > 1 || guess < 1000). guess == guess does not make any sense.

(min == max || max < min) could be written as (min >= max) or (max <= min). Yours is not a mistake but I thought I should mention this because you tried that in your previous code.

Keep up the good work! :slight_smile:


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