How to make geometry easier to visualize

Godot 4, Robo Rampage, video 31.
I am having trouble seeing my level because of all the CSG face information (blue lines).
Is their a way to turn off all the blue lines?
Are their other tips for navigating the scene to place objects? (Shift F for fly mode, doesn’t work in this scene, it does work in simpler scenes)

There doesn’t appear to be, but you can check in Editor Settings–>General–>Editors–>3D Gizmos to try and find the colour of the edges and just set the alpha to 0. I don’t have time at the moment to do this bit myself as I’ll be occupied most of the day, but I didn’t want to avoid responding at all

What problem are you experiencing with Fly Mode? Either way, just a couple days ago there was a topic about camera controls. Have a look and see if there’s anything new for you here:

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