How To Host The Weekly Collab ..Instructions

When you win the weekly collaboration please start a new thread the same day as the winning announcement .

By navigating to the Blender / Showcase category within the forums and clicking New Discussion.
For the topic of your new discussion please put:
The Blender Collab: Weekly Themed Gallery (Date of the final day people can post entries) Your Topic/Theme here
Please note you can make your contest either 1 or 2 weeks in length.

If you select 1 week as your contest time and by the final day you do not have at least 3 entries the contest will be extended for one more week.

In this case please edit the title of your post to relect the extended week and add the new date for final entries. And make a reply in the contest thread stating the contest is being extended.

WIthin the text field of your contest post please say a little bit about the theme /topic you have chosen and reiterate your ending date. You can also put pictures similar to your theme in here to get your idea across better.

The night of your final entry date you want to create the voting poll… Navigate to your contest thread and right click each render entry picture and click save as from the pop up menu and save the pictures of each contestants render to your desktop.
Next click reply

You will see a tool shelf above the text body area where you write your reply, if you look all the way to the right of the tool bar you will see a cogwheel which says options when your mouse over it.

Click on the options cogwheel and you will see 3 options one of which is a build poll option. This is the option you want to select.

Once you click on build poll a pop up window will come to the front of your screen.
There is a drop down option which is defaulted to single, you want to leave this as it is on single.

Below is a check box that says “show who voted” Its is up to you wether you want to select this option or not …usually most select it. This allows people to see who voted for which render.

Underneath is a text box where you want to put the names of all who participated in the contest . enter them one name at a time single file and click return after each name entered. See below


Once you have entered the names of all the contest participants click Insert poll

The poll code will now show up in your reply text field.

Click in front of the first name in the poll list then look in approximately the middle of the tool shelf above the text field there is an icon that looks like a flattened cube with an arrow pointing upwards…when you mouse over it a pop up shows that says upload.

click the upload icon and navigate to the render that you previously saved on your desktop that corresponds to that names entry.

do the same with all of the other contest entrants.

To the right of the reply text entry field you will see a preview window and will be able to see how your poll is looking before you post your reply.

When all looks good click reply to post your voting poll.

Above the poll please write something to the tune of its time to vote everyone …then @everyone that was involved in the contest so they are notified its time to vote.
Ie @rszarka will notify me of the post if i participated in the contest

Now click reply and you will post your poll and voting notifications.

The next morning click show results on the poll you posted, the person with the most votes as indictaed by the highest number above their name and their renders position in the list …top being the most voted for entrant …wins and is our next contest holder.

Make an announcement in your contest thread of congratulations to our winner and anything else you want to say and thats it game over :slight_smile:
I hope this helps anyone hosting the contest, if you still have any questions dont hesitate to contact me.

Mcfuzz and anyone else in the know of this process…I think Rob the web site admin told me awhile back there is a way to add peoples pictures to the poll without having to download them first …if you know this method of inserting the pictures could you please reply to this post with how to do that in case someone would prefer that method of inserting the pictures into the poll …

Thanks :slight_smile:



Thanks for the instruction :slight_smile:

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