How to fix - "C:\raylib\w64devkit\bin\mingw32-make.exe" does not exist

For those encountering this error on “Your First Program” for " C++ Fundamentals: Game Programming For Beginners", don’t worry, there’s an easy fix :slight_smile:

I created a GitHub repo with a new template that should work:

You will need to install Raylib version 3.7 as shown in the videos and I included a link to download it for Windows as well as a link to other versions if needed.

The reason this is happening is that the .json files in the template downloaded from Gitlab are referring to a folder structure that seems to have been changed by Raylib.
So, my template has updated .json files.

For example. around line 16 of “c_cpp_properties.json”, you should notice an attribute called “compilerPath” with “C:/raylib/w64devkit/bin/gcc.exe” written next to it.

This would need to be changed from “C:/raylib/w64devkit/bin/gcc.exe” to “C:\raylib\mingw\bin”.
There are however many more lines where similar fixes will need to be implemented, so to save time you’re welcome to use my template instead :slight_smile:

If you do fix it yourself, you will need to reload the workspace for the changes to take effect.
So be sure to save your changes, then close VS code, and open the workspace again from scratch as shown in the video.

I hope this helps.
But I’ll be happy to help with questions or concerns if there are any :slight_smile:


I tried this fix, coped your template, but it didnt work.

My raylib folder is in the exact same path, I made sure it was saved in my C: drive, but i still cant compile the code.

Ignore, issue now resolved, I had to set an environment variable path no my machine.

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Thanks I wouldn’t be able to finish the course without you.

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For the record, our template project has been updated so that this error should no longer occur. And I believe the finished project for each section has also been updated.

However, due to the nature of git repositories you would still need to update any lecture commits, you’ll still need to update the .vscode folder and the makefile to work with Raylib 4.0 and above.

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