How I resolved problems on Windows 10 and Visual Studio 2019 Community Edition

I had two issues not discussed in the lecture:

  1. Installing DirectX SDK ended in an error - I had to uninstall previous VC++ 2010 Runtimes (both x86 and x64) and then it succeeded
  2. After resolving include and lib paths, I was getting C1001 internal compiler error. I tried updating VS but that didn’t work. The solution was to change the Platform Toolset to Visual Studio 2015 (V140)

After that, I got the example to compile and run.


Thanks for sharing. This is tricky to resolve and any suggestions for less experienced developers is greatly appreciated.

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if you prefer toolset to vs 2019, apply the same instruction and select this:
C/C++ → Code Generation → Enable Minimal Rebuild: No(/Gm-)


That worked! Thanks!

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@Nenad_Miodrag Thank you! This was the only thing that worked for me (except I changed the Platform Toolset to Visual Studio 2017).

Big Thanks. I’ve tried all other solutions with no luck. this really solved the issue.

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