HoverTank Battle on a space planet! (continues project updates)

This is my project post, where I am going to update my progress in the coming days / weeks.
It would be cool if others like to adapt this format. That way we can all share our updates nicely bundled in one thread per project.

  • LowPoly Landscape
  • selfmade HoverTank in Blender
  • Textured in Substance Painter
  • c++ hover actor component

I found a blueprint hover mechanism on the UE4 forums. Thanks to this course I was able to rewrite it as independent c++ actor component following the steps from @ben with his Tank Aiming Component! :smiley:

If you are interested in how I made the tank model, I streamed some of the development at:
Twitch Highlights - GamedevCala

Update 22-Jun-2016 - added an emissive crystal formation (Blender and Substance Painter) for foliage tests. Fun stuff!

Update 09-Jul-2016 - Short footage with moving and shooting hovertanks :slight_smile:

:+1: Fail Faster - there is no instant win :+1:
GamedevCala - Twitter: @GamedevCala - Blog: nerd-time.com - Twitch: GamedevCala


Really cool! I’m curious what you did for the rear/grille.

In your Twitch highlights it just looks like a single hollow.

In your bottom-most screenshot, did you add more geometry? In the final product, is it just a texture?

You are right. I was testing out more geometry in blender for the engine output but later went with a simple plain backplate and an emissive grid while texturing the model :slight_smile:

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Definitely like the whole vibe of this project. Enjoying the low-rez theme and the nice lighting you’ve got going on, too.

To me this looks like a marketable product (doesn’t look like random assets thrown together for a demo, but actually meshing together well).

Kudos on a project well done.

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Thank you for clearing that up! I’m blown away by the results.

Added an emissive crystal formation (Blender and Substance Painter) for foliage tests.


Is foliage an Unreal feature? Is that why they don’t have shadows?


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Foliage is a landscape painting function to populate the terrain with meshes. Baked shadows are not supported (yet) for foliage placed instanced meshes :-/

I need to fake it somehow because setting these up for dynamic real time shadows is insane ^^


Continuing to impress!

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Seeing those crystals shatter from missed shots would be impressive!

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my facial expression… shooting stuff in your own game = feeling like a kid

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I stopped in for about 10 minutes and watched you. (Twitter is ProdigalKing, fyi).

Looks like things are coming together quite well for you, Cala. Definitely digging the low-poly vibe, and the light emitting from your tank and crystal foliage. Keep it up!

Thanks for saying hi in my chat. I am still a bit nervous while streaming / developing / talking English ‘live’ :slight_smile:

Twitch* rather haha!

You handled the streaming and English very well. :slight_smile:

Short updated footage with moving and shooting hovertanks :slight_smile:


Very cool man! i use substance painter too. It’s awesome!

That art and lightning looks very nice, good job!

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Can’t wait to see the finished thing.

Any info on when you might be doing a stream? Is it on a twitch channel? I’m interested.

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