Host lobby is not working

Hello! First at all sorry about my english.

I could create a server and join with friends without Steam but when I try following the videos is not working.

I created a text to log where is failing:

The last number wrote was 3, and in my code is:

If you see, the problem must be in “SteamMatchmaking.CreateLobby(ELobbyType.k_ELobbyTypeFriendsOnly, 4);”

Any ideas about what is happening?

Thank for your time!

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Hi there, sorry you are having trouble.
You are running this through Steam? What version of Mirror/FizzySteamWorks/Unity are you using?

Hello again!

Yes, I followed completely the video tutorial, but it’s true I have other version:

Mirror => 53.0.0
FizzySteamworks => 5.0.1
SteamworksNET => 20.0.0

Investigating with a friend, and reading the official documentation ( Only it’s necessary to copy paste “steam_appid.txt” from the project inside the Build forlder:


Hope this helps other people! And thank you again <3


Hello, I also have the same issue as above, whether I run it in steam or in unity. I have the same versions as above and I have my “steam_appid.txt” in the project root and build folder. When I run it in unity I get the error below when the code gets to my “SteamMatchmaking.CreateLobby(ELobbyType.k_ELobbyTypeFriendsOnly, 4);” line.

InvalidOperationException: Steamworks is not initialized. Steamworks.InteropHelp.TestIfAvailableClient () (at Assets/

Hi There,
What happens when you run it in Steam?
That error would make sense if you tried to run Steam in the editor, since it’s not in steam.

When I run it in steam, I click Host Lobby and nothing happens. The buttons go away and the lobby does not load. I’m not sure if its failing to create the lobby or if the RTSNetworkManager.OnClientConnect event isn’t being triggered. When I run it in unity with the UseSteam variable off, it runs fine.

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What version of steamworks are you using?

Unity => 2020.3.16f1
Mirror => 53.0.0
FizzySteamworks => 5.0.1
SteamworksNET => 20.0.0

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I suggest using an earlier version of Steamworks, maybe the one the instructor uses in the course.

I figured out I was missing the Steam Manager script on my Network Manager. I rewatched the video and the instructor commented saying “It added this for us already” and that is not the case with the versions we have now.


I added the same probleme, and the solution given by @ DaniCarco fixed it.
Copy the “steam_appid.txt” (at the root of the project) into the Builds folder

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