Higher NetUpdateFrequency?

The instructor sets NetUpdateFrequency to 1 because it’s “as small as I can make it” in order to show the interpolation between updates. Just like the tutorial project, my own looks great with this 1 second update delay.

However, I have a faster-paced game and need faster updates. I would like to increase the frequency, and merely setting NetUpdateFrequency higher immediately causes rubberbanding issues. Even setting it to 2 has small rubberband corrections, and taking it up to something like 10 (which is what Epic recommends for a fast shooter HERE) is unplayable. This issue only occurs when Network Emulation is enabled and there is some lag (average for everyone is what I use). No network emulation = no issue, but I need it to work WITH lag, obviously.

How can I increase NetUpdateFrequency to something like 10 without causing rubberbanding? I’m rather disappointed he didn’t address it in the course.

Right now you’re looking at a very incomplete solution this early in the section. The value indicates the number of times per second that it is updating or rather 1/NetUpdateFrequency seconds per update.

10 should work just fine as long as your FPS is higher than every 1/10th second or 10FPS but at this point, you may see strange behaviour. The other thing I noted when doing the course is if I was seeing strange updates, restart the editor - it often resolved after a restart. Not always. If it didn’t, usually I did something wrong.

I was able to run using 30 as my number towards the end of the section but there are issues and some are not fully addressed until the end of the section (last few lectures). Sam goes on to show a different approach so bear with it. With all things, this evolves to show you the different ways of doing things.

Lastly, this course will not give you all the answers - it gives you the tools to figure them out for yourself and demonstrates them using this very basic driving sim as an example. Shooters are different but the underlying networking principles are the same.

I hope this answers your question.

I have already finished the course and have come back to this section to ask here because this is where the code in question was implemented.

I’ve been able to successfully replicate the rubberbanding issue using the instructor’s github code from the very end of the course. He never makes any changes to the update frequency. Same as my project, it worked fine with NUF=1 but still rubberbands like crazy at 10. 30 is right out. Running as dedicated server, 2 clients, average latency for everyone. I made no changes to the code other than changing the net update frequency.

I understand the course isn’t designed to cover everything, but the code written in the course is locked in at NUF=1 if any lag is present. I was hoping for some advice - even just where to look - regarding how to increase the frequency in a real-world implementation. It’s never covered in this course.

Ah, Ok. truthfully, you might get help from someone over in discord. I try and help with the course material and where possible anything outside of it but as I support a number of courses, I can’t spend too much time on that. I wish I was able to use UE as a full time job…

Sorry I can’t be of more help with this.

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