Hazard(Nebula) error (C++ Fundementals course)

I don’t know why, but when I run my game I don’t see my nebula hazard moving. I tried to see my mistakes but I did it exactly like it was said in the video. Could I please get help with this?

Hello Bea8st,

I’d love to help you out. However, it helps me out greatly if you can share your code so I can see it.

I cant send an image but i can share all the code related to my nebula hazard.

// nebula variables
Texture2D nebula = LoadTexture(“texture/12_nebula_spritesheet”);
Rectangle nebRec{0.0, 0.0, nebula.width/8.0f, nebula.height/8.0f};
Vector2 nebPos{windowWidth, windowHeight - nebRec.height};

// nebula X velocity (pixels/second)
int nebVel{-200};

// nebula animation variables
int nebFrame{};
const float nebUpdateTime{1.0/12.0};
float nebRunningTime{};

//update nebula position
nebPos.x += nebVel * dT;

// update nebula animation frame
nebRunningTime += dT;
if (nebRunningTime >= nebUpdateTime)
nebRunningTime = 0.0;
nebRec.x = nebFrame * nebRec.width;
if (nebFrame > 7)
nebFrame = 0;

//draw nebula
DrawTextureRec(nebula, nebRec, nebPos, WHITE);


Ok, I’m not seeing the immediate problem based of what you’ve shown me. Can I see all of your code so I can test it on my end?

Text works much better than a screenshot.

Ok there you go

#include “raylib.h”

int main()
// window dimensions
const int windowWidth{512};
const int windowHeight{380};

InitWindow(windowWidth, windowHeight, "Dapper Dasher!");

// acceleration due to gravity (pixels/frame/)/s
const int gravity{1'000};

// nebula variables
Texture2D nebula = LoadTexture("texture/12_nebula_spritesheet");
Rectangle nebRec{0.0, 0.0, nebula.width/8.0f, nebula.height/8.0f};
Vector2 nebPos{windowWidth, windowHeight - nebRec.height};

// nebula X velocity (pixels/second)
int nebVel{-200};

// nebula animation variables
int nebFrame{};
const float nebUpdateTime{1.0/12.0};
float nebRunningTime{};

// scarfy variables
Texture2D scarfy = LoadTexture("textures/scarfy.png");
Rectangle scarfyRec;
scarfyRec.width = scarfy.width/6;
scarfyRec.height = scarfy.height;
scarfyRec.x = 0;
scarfyRec.y = 0;
Vector2 scarfyPos;
scarfyPos.x = windowWidth/2 - scarfyRec.width/2;
scarfyPos.y = windowHeight - scarfyRec.height;

// animation frame
int frame{};
// amount of time before we update the animation frame
const float updateTime{1.0/12.0};
float runningTime{}; 

// is the rectangle in the air?
bool isInAir{};
 // jump velocity(pixels/second)
const int jumpVel{-600};

int velocity{0};

while (!WindowShouldClose())
    // delta time (time since last frame)

    const float dT{GetFrameTime()};   

    // start drawing

    // ground check
    if (scarfyPos.y >= windowHeight - scarfyRec.height)
       // rectangle is on the ground
       velocity = 0;
       isInAir = false;
        // rectangle is in the air
         velocity += gravity * dT;
         isInAir = true;
    // check for jumping
    if (IsKeyPressed(KEY_SPACE) && !isInAir)
        velocity += jumpVel;

   //update nebula position
   nebPos.x += nebVel * dT;

    // update scarfy position
    scarfyPos.y += velocity * dT;

   // update scarfy's animation frame
        // update running time
    runningTime += dT;
    if (runningTime >= updateTime)
        runningTime = 0.0;
          // update animation frame
    scarfyRec.x = frame * scarfyRec.width;
    if (frame > 5)
        frame = 0;

    // update nebula animation frame
    nebRunningTime += dT;
    if (nebRunningTime >= nebUpdateTime)
        nebRunningTime = 0.0;
        nebRec.x = nebFrame * nebRec.width;
        if (nebFrame > 7)
            nebFrame = 0;

    //draw nebula
    DrawTextureRec(nebula, nebRec, nebPos, WHITE);

    // draw scarfy
    DrawTextureRec(scarfy, scarfyRec, scarfyPos, WHITE);

    // stop drawing


Awesome, that’s exactly what I needed!

And here’s the problem, take a look at this line
Texture2D nebula = LoadTexture("texture/12_nebula_spritesheet");

There’s two issues here, both with the file path:

  1. Judging by the way you setup scarfy, texture should be textures in the file path

  2. You forgot the file extension at the end of the filename, 12_nebula_spritesheet should be 12_nebula_spritesheet.png

Fix those, and everything else is fine. In hindsight I could have almost spotted that with your first example but this way I’m also able to spot other issues if they were present.

Thank you so much for the help!

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