Good stuff, done in about 5 mins

Slight difference to the proposed code in which I factored setting the password rather than keeping it inside the RunMainMenu() just to try and future proof initially as I know it’s going to get more complex with a selection of passwords and randomisation of letters to give the anagram to guess.

Nice work Lee and nicely formatted code. :slight_smile:

Just as a heads-up, you can copy/paste your code directly into the forum and then apply the code formatting to it so that it displays the syntax highlighting and so on. This can make it a lot easier to read but also, in the case of asking a question and needing help, other people can copy/paste back a chunk of your code, perhaps with a correction or suggestion, without having to spend much time typing it all out.

Hope this is of use :slight_smile:

See also;

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cool, i’ll try this out on the next reply :slight_smile:
Thanks Rob


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No problem, you’re very welcome Lee :slight_smile:

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