Godot 3d course is a lie

Hello, I loved your teaching from the Unity 2d course and jumped on the Godot 3d and 2d courses for $10 and $11.

But the 3d course is actually a 2.5d game course, that’s a good way to get sued!! I like learning that but it’s NOT a true 3d game course!!

Please offer another game course with real 3d game mechanics and put the 1979 Lunar Lander style game in the 2d course where it belongs!

If no real 3d game put in course I’ll have to talk to a lawyer. Sorry I had to come to this but that was false advertising 100%

Are you serious? I mean you got to be joking. If you are able to differentiate between a 3D and 2.5D game you also should be able to read a course title as well as its description and understand it.
To make it easy for you: The subtitle of the course if you open its page states

learn how to create 3D games from start to finish in Godot engine 4 and GDScript! - EARLY ACCESS

I made it even easier for you to spot and maybe understand: EARLY ACCESS

That means (as stated in the description) that the course is not yet finished and there is still content to come. That’s what this part means btw.:

[…] The course is still in development, with the first project (4+hrs of content) already live. More awesome content is being added on a regular basis.

That aside even if there is not a whole 3D game in the course yet, it still covers many points of developing 3D games in godot. Also if you look at the screenshots of the content that is about to be added to the course there will certainly be what you wish for.

Last but not least don’t come here threatening with lawyers because you are not able to read and/or understand a course description and make false accusations. Maybe ask kindly the next time.

Where does it say “Early Access”??? If I saw that I WOULDN’T have a problem buddy, I would be excited to see what more is to come. But you seem to think a 2.5d game is good enough, haha.

Deleted as I was out of line and emotional from friend loss by OD and fixed photo. I’m sorry

Happened to notice the convo had to make a account to respond but anyway.

it doesnt say early access exactly but in development its on the description page before purchase.

I missed it myself before purchasing but it was on me because I had already gotten the 2d course saw 3d just came out and snapped it up for 15$.

I wouldve been a bit more miffed if had paid full price and it was incomplete
and I think the project boost 2.5d project is in the 3D course because were working with 3d objects in Godots 3D scene section rather than 2d Pictures in the 2D scene section he pry kept the camera angles simple for the first the shooter project will probably be a bit crazier.

are you stupid or just trolling? Ive highlighted it so you can find it

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ah ok early access was there just missed it

That reply wasn’t meant for you, but for OP, who couldn’t find anything stating it was early access.

yeah I saw the reply was directed at him just had derp moment not noticing the all cap early access when rechecking the main page thinking somethin had pry been there heh

Honestly from what I’ve seen from Gamedev so far, I sadly don’t expect them to update the course too much as they don’t update almost* any of their older courses for new information. The unreal and unity courses are out of date, and I expect as soon as Godot is no longer in the mainstream media as ‘unity’s replacement’ then they won’t release anymore courses on it or will not update the ones they’ve made.

I also found the Unity 3D course does not feel 3D, it also felt very 2.5D personally, so I don’t feel that surprised by the issue in the Godot course if it is one, though I haven’t reviewed it just yet. I paid for the lifetime membership when it passed a few months ago, so I am simply stuck with all of them and will have to enjoy what I can get out of them.

I don’t mean my remarks overtly negative, I love the site and visit it daily and learn new things all the time, but the fact the courses here do not transfer or show proper credits that could be used to help find a job in the future or transfer to mentorship programs, I know I have to buy more Actual classes like AnimSchool in the near future to actually be able to show and say that I know all the things that this website taught me. No business is going to accept ‘I finished all of the Gamedev website courses!’, so I better have an incredible portfolio if it’s all I have to show. I was here and doing research for a couple of months, but FOMO on the lifetime subscription kind of fooled me into making a decision too quickly still.

Hi Guys,

First of all i appreciate that when things are not as expected or overlooked that discussions can get heated but please keep the insults out of the forums as we do not feel this is productive to the discussion.

I’m going to break down my reply best i can to address all the points highlighted in this thread.

Project Boost.
This is the second project in the course and it introduces some basic concepts in programming using 3D models and although it does not move in 3D as we lock those rotations it is technically still a 3D game.
You could make this completely 3D by unlocking those rotations and using the W and S keys to rotate in those directions but we felt like in the unity course applying those concepts detracts from the learning that is being taught in this section.
It does depend on your viewpoint of what a 2.5D is be that a 3D game which gives an isometric perspective (which is what project boost is close to being but not exactly) or a 2D game that gives a 3D perspective that is much like the DOOM game.

Upcoming sections.
These will be in a way similar to our current unity course content as we are trying to make it both easy for new learners to get into Godot but also aid those that wish to transition from Unity to Godot given the current view of the community with unity’s recent announcements and the apparent loss of trust with the company.

These will be totally in 3D with a FPS game at the end of the content.

Regards to Early Access.
We will always look to make this clearer in the future and it appears that in this case it was overlooked and i will get back to the advertising team to see if we can find ways to make this more apparent.
There is more content to come as shown in the screenshots on the sales page and will be released as it is made.

With regards to the current Unity courses.
I have had discussions with the production team in the past with regards to the 3D course in particular as students have mentioned a few times on the forums that there is a jump in the degree of difficulty between sections in that course. At the moment we are looking at Godot to get content out as that is what we are being fed back to that the majority of the students want.
We do have a few other Godot courses in prototyping so watch this space for that.
I will however pass the feedback onto the production team

Unreal Courses.
We are constantly on the look out for instructors to make unreal C++ content so if you have a suggestion for a you tuber that has been helpful in your learning please do give us a shout and we can then see if they would like to work with us.

So to sum up the Godot 3D course.
Its 3D mechanics
Its restricted on one axis
This to help balance between new students and ones like the OP coming from Unity so that we are not distracting from the learning of a new engine and new language by overwhelming people in the first two sections.

Lifetime Membership.
The advantage of the lifetime membership is you not only get access to the back catalog of all our courses but also anything that we produce in the future.

With regards to certifications and job applications.
We have a “Getting a job in the industry course” that covers a lot of content on the best avenues to get into a job following our courses and in Rick’s experience that does not solely rely on certificates but a portfolio of work that is based upon courses and work done after those courses.
Making a portfolio as suggested above shows an employer that you can not only follow a brief but take the knowledge of what you know and expand that into your own uses.
It might be a good option to follow the “Getting a job” course as its packed full of useful information from Rick.

I hope this helps answer some of the points made here and questions that you may have.

Marc Carlyon
GameDev.tv Support Leader


My first reply might have gone a bit overboard with sarcasm, yet here is another proof for you.

And a quick reminder to everyone who replied earlier: Everyone can see the file names of the pictures you use in your reply. Just in case they might be insulting…

I didn’t get the lifetime pass but when I got the email I trust them and jumped on it, as their course I got on udemy was awesome and love the way they teach. Today I got an email from the udemy side advertising the course and it says “Early Access” which is fine had I known that in the first email from gamedev.tv email and not the udemy one.

To all the haters on my OG post, not going to feed the trolls. But I do feel bad for the post NOW KNOWING IT IS EARLY ACCESS!!! I would not have been upset had I known that and will wait for more content to be released.

Again 2.5d is great and I like having learned that. If it is a first taste into 3d assets, then yes I think it belongs in the 3d course. If this was a standalone course, like I thought it was when I finished it before the OG post, then I would still say it should be classified as 2d as first thing you do is lock the character to only moving in a 2d manner.

Enough said. I love the way Rick teaches and would love to have him as an instructor somewhere in this course.

I didn’t find this and buy the course that way, I got it from an email where it didn’t state that nor does the homepage where I got the SS. Not trolling just lost a friend from an OD and been emotional, so sorry everyone my bad.

I checked my e-mails, and may have missed one but the ones I saw, Early Access was mentioned in the subject line. I know, people don’t read the subject line, but I guess putting it in the main message and/or in the image would solve that.

i found out about the course through an email last week too. It says its early access, but only in the subject line. other than that, it just says to hop in early, which doesn’t necessarily suggest its early access. And yeah, after buying the course theres nothing visible anymore saying its early access

Thats understandable. sorry to hear you’re going through that. Thats definitely a rough time. I hope everything is well.

Project Boost is the first project in the course! I wouldn’t consider Introduction and Setup a project.
I knew full well that the course was in early access, just hope the wait for the remaining projects isn’t too long :slight_smile:

I kind of feel sorry for you, so I won’t troll you like I had planned to do.

You’re deluding yourself.

When you go to the lawyer, he will laugh you out of his office unless you bring a pretty big bank roll and pay up front. He won’t make any money off of it. You won’t make any money off of it.

Ask for a refund and find something else to do.

If you read my apology reply then you ARE being a troll if you say that. You just wanted to act cool I guess.

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