Gitlab download

The video file link is not in resources. Likely because between April 21 and now Jul 21 the git files have changed. Several questions from students, nothing from the course bode well.
I used HTTPS option and had to open the files to get the compiler to show.

@John_Maguire yes, the Resource is a link to this discussion thread. For those who wonder, it is Latest 1b_fc_cpp topics -

I got to Gitlab by copying the URL from the display of the Gitlab page in the video [;<).

The funny thing is that the first lecture has a link to the community forum with a different tag. It is Latest 1_fc_cpp topics - and I was happily the first comment there, thought I doubt my two comments will be read by anyone.

Hi John,

Thanks for bringing this up! We’ll be working on a fix for this.

Just to make sure you know. It still does not show up in the resources. Also have you noticed that a few people are getting stuck with the setup. Is there a way we can improve this?

@Tuomo_T @Kevin-Brandon I’m passing this along to Rick and to Stephen as i’ve hit the same wall.

  1. Git link not in resources
  2. The Git page now has two options when cloning. HTTPS and SSH not shown in the video
  3. Something was set up in Vscode as you get the popup to allow git to open the file the first time and it doesnt open a choice of folder, If you close VScode then that option to choose to open with git is gone.

Downloading the file manually and pointing vs code via the Open folder button below works but its not shown in the video


Thanks. I got stuck in the install/setup here too. I hope they can update the instructions for us today.

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You are welcome :slight_smile:

Feedback from the team is that to do this you need to have git installed already.
Its going to be far easier to teach the method of downloading the file and pointing the project to the folder instead rather than complicating it with the git install :slight_smile:
I cant say when it will be done but it is in process.

I am going through the course myself although slowly as my gpu is waiting for a replacement today.
I should pick up speed tomorrow providing its that part thats causing the issue.

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