I had some problems making this project run. Worked wonders for the previous sections. After looking into the code I found some reference missmatch in this project vs the previous ones.
So in order to make this work you can either use the base added previously OR if you like to fix things. Copy the path and then change the following
File Makefile
Row 33 - Change to:
COMPILER_PATH ?= C:/raylib/w64devkit/bin
Row 16 - Change to:
“compilerPath”: “C:/raylib/w64devkit/bin/gcc.exe”,
Row 26 - Change to:
“miDebuggerPath”: “C:/raylib/w64devkit/bin/gdb.exe”,
Row 49 - Change to:
“miDebuggerPath”: “C:/raylib/w64devkit/bin/gdb.exe”
Row 15 - Changet to:
“command”: “C:/raylib/w64devkit/bin/mingw32-make.exe”,
Row 46 - Change to:
“command”: “C:/raylib/w64devkit/bin/mingw32-make.exe”,
I hope that helps others who get stuck