GetResolvedConnectString returning port 0 to IP address in Null subsystem

After testing, I can confirm that this appears to be only happening in the NULL subsystem. I have deleted my intermediate and binaries folders several times, rebuilt the VS files, and I have debug lines all throughout my code. I had been using the Steam subsystem until this point in the course because I had no real need to test with several clients at once and I’m fortunate enough to have a second computer I can use. However, now that we need several clients, I decided to turn off the steam subsystem and just use the NULL subsystem.

  1. Hosting a game works fine
  2. Joining the game returns the IP address to me, rather than the expected
  3. This results in a black screen on client, and eventually connection timeouts in the logs
    I have a trail of debug messages making sure that the correct values are being passed around, and everything seems fine on my end. Is there a bug in the NULL subsystem?

Obviously this code is extensive and spans all over the project, so let me know if you need a code snippet and which part to send!

Update: Tried passing directly into the ClientTravel function and experienced the same problem. Verified that it was in fact properly attempting to join the 7777 port.
Went through the Git repo for the lesson and compared my code against Sam’s, changed things that I had done differently to reflect what Sam has and I’m still getting the same issue. Attached screenshot of the log messages when the connection times out.

After several hours pouring over this code, I have figured out the issue… and it’s really silly.
After changing the host’s ServerTravel string, I forgot to append the end with ?listen. Resolved.

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