General question about Unity bugging out [Not course related problems]

Im currently on the Unity3D Course on the Realm Rush section and every time i open up unity, the inspector doesnt show anything. Any game object i click, nothing shows in the inspector. I have to close unity down and open it again and then it is all fine.
I tried to close the inspector tab and go to Window ->General->Inspector but it wouldnt open the Inspector window anymore at all.
I managed to solve the problem by resetting my layout.(Unity 2020.1.7f1)
Before that, i had a problem where Visual studio stopped recognizing Unity methods like Start, Update, OnCollisionEnter etc… and i fixed it by checking some settings in VS that were not checked before and it was all still working.

Are this types of errors just something that we have to accept and figure out as we go (like android studio randomly failing the gradle build :smile:) or should i reinstall Unity? I would like to avoid a full reinstall.


What you describe sounds a bit buggy, so yes, try to reinstall Unity, or even better: Try to update to the latest stable version of Unity 2020.

If there is a problem with Visual Studio, please watch lecture “Fixing Visual Studio Problems” (currently #7).

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