General discussion here

I paid £49 the kickstarter(It has early access and I got the early access email from Ben). I’m using same email adress as kickstarter, but I don’t have the permission yet.

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@sugarsoda in the live stream @ben did the other day he said that they were importing the details every couple of days to match people up, I know @Lucy_Becker has been busy doing it as you can see lots of responses from her.

@EricPhillips, I wouldn’t rely too heavily on the “tag”, its the Title field of the user profile which members can update themselves anyway. It looks like it is being populated when members are added to the relevant group within the forum. The same has happened previously with the life time members title appearing also.

Updated Fri Jan 20 2017 09:32

I should have mentioned before, I believe Ben also mentioned about using the same email on the forum as the one that you backed with on Kickstarter for matching purposes, but obviously when you have been matched up, you can then change it back should you want to.

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@Lucy_Becker please add me to the early access group. Thank you.

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@Lucy_Becker Could I please get access to the early access forum? I matched the emails on tuesday I think but nothing has happened so far.

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@Francois_Van_Zyl and @MikkoK - you all have access now :slight_smile:

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A post was split to a new topic: Quick Question

May I be added to the early access group, I backed the kickstarter but it still says I don’t have access

Yeah, I don’t think I have access to the early access stuff as well. I switched from 19 Euros to 29 Euros for the pledge a couple weeks ago.

Hey @Lucy_Becker, may I have access as well to the forum? I backed late directly through Paypal, but my paypal email is different from the email I use for the account I have on this site. Would appreciate it!!

added, enjoy :slight_smile:

Hi, I’ve added you to the group and sent an email about re-subscribing to the email list :slight_smile:

Found you! All added now :slight_smile:

Hey @Lucy_Becker. Can i get access to the early access area as well. I was a backer at the early access tier. Same email as this account.

I am not sure if I am subscribed or not, but I am not receiving any emails about re-subscribing. I checked my inbox, spam box, and trash box and haven’t found anything from you guys. My email is correct on this account.

@Lucy_Becker Good Evening! I am supposed to get access to the early access area but it is still saying I don’t have access. I believe I did everything correct, could you please help? Thank you in advance!

Sure, all added :slight_smile:

It was because you’re using your gmail on here and yahoo on KS - which is better for us to get you on when sending out coupons, notifications of live streams etc?

@Lucy_Becker Hi! I should have access to the early access forum, but a giant troll on the bridge blocks my way. Can you hook me up with some enchanted weapons to kill it? (I tried bribing him but my speech level is too low) :wink: My e-mail address is the same as on Kickstarter.

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@Lucy_Becker Hi, I have the same “access problem” as Pantalaim0n :slight_smile:
Can u help me ? plz !! :slight_smile:

Greetings from france (to excuse my english :p)

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Thank you! Oh sorry about that, I thought I used the same on both. I am always on the yahoo one, would it be an issue to switch the email on here to the yahoo one, or would that mess things up?

It seems I do not have access to the Early Access area… Not sure how I get access. I did purchase the kick starter Early Access +1 but am also unable to view the EA Stream #1 YouTube says that the Stream hasn’t started yet… Anyway Thanks in advance for any help and I am looking forward to this course!!

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