GameDev TV main course site is super bad

cheers for checking, does seem to be an issue with the hosting service. there was maintenance for them but that was yesterday. dont normally see any issues.

ive raised it with the team so hopefully get a resolution as quickly as possible

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Thanks for linking my issue.

These courses have blank white page and 422 status for me:
Blender Texture Painting: Create Stylized Models
UE5 Action Adventure (this for sure had a different style page)
Anime Character in Blender

Most of the courses still work fine.

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The HyperText Transfer Protocol ( HTTP ) 422 Unprocessable Content response status code indicates that the server understands the content type of the request entity, and the syntax of the request entity is correct, but it was unable to process the contained instructions. Warning: The client should not repeat this request without modification.

Do use adblock or other advertorial blocking service?
Or a VPN?

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i only get white screen without anything printed on it… no VPN in use … deactivated Blockers from Kaspersky completly but no change… seems to be server indicated

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Nothing wrong with my ISP , dunno how you’ve concluded that from the info provided here. It’s not a first time having trouble with their game dev tv site , it’s the ONLY site I need to step out of what’s normal for a website because privacy badger and few other addons break the game dev site that is full of trackers and cookies.

But just so no-one here jumps with the comment again “it’s because you use addons” , screenshot is from clean chromium install without any addons

No VPN or add blocker. OboShape said there was an issue with the hosting service.

{"code":"course_not_found","message":"Course not found"}

Cloudflare says all their systems are operational. Maybe during the maintenance they modified their API. I’m sure the GameDevTv team will figure it out, and I’ll check back in latter. Good luck guys!

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Maybe I was wrong about the ISP, though I’m not 100% convinced but seeing the other responses there may be something else going on. I still don’t understand why you are so mad. If you’re unhappy with the service and you have courses on other sites why not just request a refund here and be done with it? If you want to raise awareness of an issue with the site you can still do it calmly. What’s the point of getting all worked up over this.


that looks like its all back up and running now, seems to have been a temporary issue across the board with the courses hosting service with some of the courses.

thank you for your patience and apologies again.

I understand students frustrations if time was set aside for learning and something untoward happens, unfortunately there are some things that are outwith our direct control but normally there’s none or very few unscheduled outages/downtime.

all I can do is apologise for the disruptions


Appreciate you trying man but unfortunately, still same…

Is there a way to transfer those courses to Udemy ? I apologize for my act today but I rarely find any time for this and everytime I do , it’s always something with gamedevTV website. I really don’t know what else can I do here.

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If you have mobile data on your phone can you try to see if the video loads there maybe?

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Strange,seems to be OK from my end.

We used to have a migrator tool a while ago but now if you email and ask if courses can be moved across.
This is dependent as well if the courses are available on udemy as well.


Hi Guys,

I am sorry to hear that some students are having issues accessing our courses on our site.
We currently use teachable as our backend so we work with them to diagnose issues with the site.
It seems to be regional rather than VPN related and it may be that it is still ongoing fixes at teachable’s end and servers that you are being redirected to.
Clearing the cache can often solve some issues but may not help in this case.

We are working on updating to our own platform but as you can imagine creating our own platform takes time and a lot of work but we are very excited for when we are able to release this to you guys.

As Oboshape has mentioned you can contact our support sales team and they will be happy to transfer the courses you have that are not working to Udemy so you can get back to your learning :slight_smile:

Once again apologies for the inconvenience and we will keep working to get this resolved and make every improvement to our site to ensure a good learning experience all round.

Marc Carlyon Support Leader


just for the record, the “normal” issues have been solved for my courses so i can access anything again now.

@tomek320 - i fully understand your feeling for trying to find time for learning and when you have it there is an issue of any kind

@Marc_Carlyon - as an update is possible to transfer my udemy course to this page too? I know it has been done when i finished the RPG courses on udemy an got them here but i have unfinished courses on udemy to and would like to use your plattform in the future cause my udemy account is only given by the company i work for and is only open till they drop it

Hi Sethreus,

It certainly is possible to transfer your courses from Udemy and its even easier with our migration tool (Unfortunately it does not work in the other direction)

Just follow the instructions on the link below and it will message you links to get your udemy courses here on our platform.

Hope this helps and glad to hear that its working for you.


Many thanks in advance Marc :+1:

Did you check again later, maybe the course creator was updating the course?

For you my friend.
Everything is still the same - not working …
Wrote to support team, still no answer…

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Please read what the problem is before answering.

I have problem with your gamedevTV site - why the hell would I transfer any course from Udemy to your broken site ?

I apologize, but I’m convinced it’s your system or browser still. There’s something wrong on your computer or internet service provider. The course you have open is working just fine for me and I’m sure most others. Perhaps try another device, turn off addblockers, or vpns, and test it again.


I use the GameDev site daily!
I’ve use videos from Udemy and GameDev.
And yes, sometimes I had trouble starting a video!

I think the problem lies in the process of authentication and authorization.
The fact is I never have to log in on the GameDev website because it remembers my login. For this login, I use the SSO from an other service (I believe Udemy, but forgot because I rarely need it) - as I am always logged in.

What I try to explain is that you have access to the site, but the video content -probably hosted elsewhere- you don’t have access to.

Try this:
Log out.
Remove cookies,
forget website Udemy, GameDev
and login again as normal using udemy or (using GameDev as second try also removing cookies etc.)


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