Game doesn't spawn BigBoy type

Not really sure why it doesn’t work, I duplicated my path 2, and made a wave 5 (by duplicating 4), moved the waypoints a bit, updated the enemies and paths, but the large enemy doesn’t spawn.
Not really sure even what to put here, so I guess I’m just calling for suggestions, or just let me know what you need to see.

Things I’ve tried:

  1. having big boy spawn on wave 1
  2. Changing enemy to be spawning in wave 5
  3. Moving waypoints of path 2
  4. Remaking BigBoy from duplicating a different enemy
  5. Putting BigBoy on the screen manually from prefabs, he doesnt shoot, and dies after a few seconds
    (was fixed by adjusting the layers on BigBoy’s projectiles)

Fixed, I forgot to add the wave(s) to the enemy spawner list.

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