Game Dev Project - Level Loading error

I have just started creating a Maze game. Each time the player enters the end trigger it is supposed to move to the next level. The transition from the first level to the second level works fine; but as soon as it enters the second level, it goes till the end nonstop. I have tried everything. I removed the starting pad, cause I thought it was triggering it, even when I use the tag on the end pad - it doesn’t work, I used DontDestroyOnLoad- doesn’t work. I am running out of options and I feel like I am only making the problem worse.

Here is how the game playes (video):

Here is the screenshot of inspector for End Pad:

Here is the screenshot of inspector for Start Pad:

I removed dontdestroyonload. But is it normal to get it in the Scene hierarchy after running the game? Here is the screenshot:

Hi Vishva,

Add Debug.Logs to your code to check the values of the relevant variables and whether the player collides with a portal which brings them to the next level.

Also please feel free to ask our helpful community of students for advice in our official Discord chat.

I have added logs everywhere.

I cannot seem to find the problem. It reaches every level. There is no trigger at the start of the level and it still immediately goes to the next level.

I have already added it to the #lounge a while ago.

If the messages appear in your console, there must be colliders involved.

Did you read the messages below yours in the chat?

Thank you for your help. The issue was solved by one of the members from the Unity discord community.

That’s great to hear. What was the solution?

See also:

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