Frustration with Shader Graph course :/

I had high hopes for the Shadergraph course, given some of the excellent courses on GameDev (e.g. Grant’s Blender courses), but I am getting rather frustrated with it and was wondering if I was the only one. The course feels much more like a “Follow what I do” YT tutorial with one end product in mind instead of teaching you what you’re doing so that you can go and do it on your own.

For example, the end of the linear waves section toward the start of the course offers very little explanation of why we do things: “So the final step of the challenge is a second subtract where we subtract one of these from the other one and subtract that from the object vertex position y.” There is no explanation given why randomly subtracting one thing from another makes us independent of something else. It feels like you need a good understanding of 3D Unity and Shaders before starting, which is not really beginner-friendly. Am I just being a little thick or does the course get better?

The challenges really don’t match with the material demonstrated. It’s a shame because I really wanted to like this course but I am not enjoying it and will probably look for another course elsewhere.


Unfortunately some courses don’t meet our expectations and sometimes important topics are skipped or glossed over way too fast.

In this case, I suggest you consider this course just as a starting point. An introduction so you have a general idea about which topics you’ll have to research deeper, be it buying other courses or any other methods you choose.

To be honest, I don’t think any GDTV Course can help beginner students to master any given topic.
Extra practice, reviewing, following other courses and several practice will always be required, specially for harder complex topics such as Shader Graphs.

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