Forest scene with rocks and trees

In Eevee, because cycles left off a lot of tree branches. (out of memory? I couldn’t find a setting to force it to draw everything even if it took longer).

There are three trees (duplicated and modified), and I resculpted and reshaped two rocks multiple times.

I used UV instead of object coordinates to make it importable into Unity/Unreal, but I do have some seams showing where I cut the roots from the trunk.

Now it’s too bad you can’t take the object coordinates and push a “generate uv unwrapping” button on it. I looked it up and the feature doesn’t exist (not sure internally how the object coordinates work, might not be anything like a UV unwrapping to make it work); they suggest baking to another texture map, but I have to do more research (or is it in one of the courses?) on how to do that exactly. Instructions on web are sketchy and I can’t find the properties referenced in them (different Blender version?).


Looking good.

Perfectly possible to bake out procedural textures. Bake procedural textures

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Thanks—not as hard as the written instructions made it seem!

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Improving the forest, this time with baked textures and uv maps. (Blender automatic unwrapping likes to overlap triangles. They had to be sorted to keep it from looking bad!)


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