Flawed Game Design

This lecture finally exposed a fundamental flaw in this game’s design.
Having the character always centered and moving the map itself might work in some specific cases, however this approach is extremely limited and forces students to follow exactly the same steps as the teacher including copying the screen resolution.

I took the liberty of drawing and planning for a 1280x720 resolution, but it’s all ruined. Look at the huge amount of unuseable area.

In other words, this approach is not very customizeable and extremely limited for replication in real development scenarios. You might consider creating more customizeable projects for a possible updated version of this course.

Going a few lectures further, the prop placement is also very limited and time consuming because of the Game’s Design and there’s no fixing it.

Unless the whole project is redesigned to include a system where both the character and the map move but that would be way more complex.

I’m not complaining though, I completely understand that it’s not possible to create sophisticated, customizeable and replicable projects using beginner friendly code.

One interesting tidbit is that Raylib itself has proper 2D and 3D cameras that could be used in place of what Stephen did, making the map the “camera”. It’s likely possible to adapt this design to different screen sizes or resolutions with a bit of knowledge and tinkering.

That said, it’s actually great that you picked up on this. The intent of the course is to get you familiar with C++ as a programming language without also having to deal with a massive engine like Unreal, but wasn’t really a course on Raylib itself.

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