This is how my castle looks like after making parts highlighted in this lecture. Continuation from Fantasy castle - Details and Shading (WIP)
This part took less time to finish compared to previous lecture…
This is how my castle looks like after making parts highlighted in this lecture. Continuation from Fantasy castle - Details and Shading (WIP)
This part took less time to finish compared to previous lecture…
OK, so where’s the 3D version? J/K. That would be quite a project for Blender.
turned out really great in the end
Lol, that’s actually interesting thought .
Thank you! It is still WIP Boat is missing and the water. I’m thinking of not doing it like what it is, but rather to make it reflective and calm… It’s krita, so reflection should be easy to do - copy, flip and lower opacity and than draw over it…
Is this done with pencil and paper or produced digitally ?
If digital, what equipment and software are you using ?
This looks great!
It’s awesome that you can’t tell - it means that I did at least partially good job
Krita + wacom intuos m.
I really like the style that is portrayed. The way you have the image is great and implies a story or background of equal or larger contention.
I would suggest the following changes if you are looking for a different look, but BY NO MEANS is it NEEDED!
what u might try and do to make that right side not look so … how to do say this an “accident we are expecting to happen.”
is move the first tower on the right to the center of the bridge with some sort of support whether land or material. and leave the rest of the image. that way you can have the lip/ over hang of the earth and the castle location support each other.
I would add a tower in background to show some dimension.
just a thought