Final game asset pack: church

Mine’s more a modest church than a grand cathedral.

There was so much packed into this section! My mind’s still reeling.

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This scene has atmosphere! I like it very much.

For me, personally, the coloured window is to bright, too colourful.
Adding here also a dust beam, will improve the composition.

Well done!

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I think you’re right. The rondel is way too bright. Also the light coming in through the windows looks too bright to match the exterior appearance because my environmental texture doesn’t seem to work with volumetric lighting turned on. I’ll have to see what I can do about this…

Thanks for the feedback! Here are a couple more renders with progressive changes to lighting of the colored window. I couldn’t figure out how a light beam should look coming through that window. Lit from the same spot lamp used for the other windows, it just looked wrong. I couldn’t seem to get a good beam of light coming through it no matter what settings I tried. But I’ve at least faked in a sky backdrop for those other windows to make their light beams look less inappropriate. Which version is best? I still don’t know.

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the first one is better.

I found a post on these forums that showed how to add light rays through the colored glass:
colored light rays


I like this light effect! Thanks for sharing. :slight_smile:

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