Ever thing gone after Wditanywhere to EdirDefaults Only {Help if you can thanks)

Hi all

I followed the video all complied find push play crash.
reopen tank in the ground push play tanl goes flying in the air.
followed what Kitty said. https://community.gamedev.tv/t/4-18-crash-fix-after-swap-to-editdefaultsonly/57250

Did not have the set the Projectile Blueprint where you set it.
it was gone.

went to sourcetree check out my last commit the master.
Delleted the
files like he did in video 86
I open unreal the same
all so I open Vs click on BattelTank and said there was no file

I had to redo my battle tank some vidoe back and all work fine

Is there any where to get all the full VS file?


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