Error with 'build debug' terminated with exit code 2

So I’m getting this error msg when I run the code and haven’t been able to find out what is causing it.

When I click show errors it gives me this screen

When I click debug anyway it gives me this screen

And then the last screens for the json are:

Hello Jacob,

Can you show me where you cpp file is placed in your project? The makefile within the project scans the root folder of the project for cpp files to compile.

This just happened to me as I forgot to name the file with the .cpp file extension. Perhaps you’re having the same issue. :slight_smile:

it was a naming issue i didn’t add .cpp to the name and then in the InitWindow, command it didn’t let me use Initwindow, it had to be capitalized.

It working now, on a side note had to disable the free 60 day norton came with my motherboard it wouldn’t allow vscode to run otherwise.

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