Error when integrating to an new version of Unity

When making the upgrade, I had the same error and I am guessing the error took place on the health pickups since they were not setup the same as the weapon pickups. If they were setup with a spawner I would hypothesis that the error would not take place.

But I am getting an error regarding a Cloud Project ID, I have not uploaded anything to the cloud at all so I am not sure if this is just something with the version of Unity I upgraded to or if I missed something. I am saving my work on my D drive on my computer instead of the C drive if that makes any difference.

I would start by going into the Package Manager and removing the Analytics component from your project.

Checking now, ok I do see an Analytics Library component in the project in the package manager but I never added that in. I am guessing it is default to the Unity Project based on the version I am currently in. I am not to familiar with Analytics, would this be something I would need to add back in? Ether for this course or when we start looking at getting stores and abilities set up when we finish everything up?

I started and removed the component but it still is referencing the same error. I have the full error text here.

No Cloud ProjectID Found for Analytics
UnityEngine.Debug:LogError (object)
Unity.Services.Analytics.AnalyticsServiceInstance:.ctor () (at Library/PackageCache/
Unity.Services.Analytics.AnalyticsService:.cctor () (at Library/PackageCache/
UnityEngine.GameObject:AddComponent<Unity.Services.Analytics.AnalyticsLifetime> ()
Unity.Services.Analytics.ContainerObject:Initialize () (at Library/PackageCache/

It is not related to any of the scripts I created or added in so its something internally with unity…maybe its a problem with the version i upgraded to. I am using the 2021.3.7of1 LTS version. Would using an LTS version of Unity be causing the problem? I can try upgrading the project in a non LTS version. If this is the cause it will be good to know if anyone else has this happen.

Did you remove the component and then restart Unity?
Check to see if the component is still there. If it is, you should be able to see what other packages are relying on the analytics package. These would have to be removed to remove the Analytics package.
Otherwise, you could follow the directions here: to create projectID for the Analytics library if there is a component you need that isn’t letting the library be deleted.

I did remove the package, close the project and reopened it back up. but the error is still here. I looked more in-depth with the error and see what scripts it seems to connect to. But they all see to be connected to using the Analytics Library even though the package is removed from the package manager.

I can not seem to see any other connections to different packages under different names.

I will see if I can add the Analytics Library back in and follow these instructions for adding a ProjectID to see if that fixes the issue.

Or no, wait I do not think I need to focus on fixing the error. It looks to just be connected to when I make a game this ID is to just connect to Unity Dashboard and for looking at details if the game is something to sell or give to others to play. With this being a course game, I can ignore this all together. As I can still build and develop the course game as normal.

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