Error ON clicking host

Good evening. I have copied and pasted the code from the resources. From the netbootstrap when I play the game it goes from loading to the menu scene. When I click on Host nothing happens but I get this error message.

and it is saying that the error is in line 45.

before i click on the host button I also seem to get these messages now as well

my view from the previous lecture is slightly different

my relay is linked.

this is my host button

thanks for your help Have a good evening Tim

Hi there,
It is possible you are missing the UnityTransport component on the NetworkManager game object. That is what is suggested by the null reference error. Let me know if that helps!

Hi There

Thanks for the swift reply unfortunately its already there.

everything was working before going online.

it is version 2022.3.4.f1

have a good day.



I see your network prefabs list is null. Perhaps that is breaking the network manager?

You are amazing many thanks that has fixed it. It must not have saved when I did the lecture.

Many thanks again for the swift response and the amazing guides. Have a great day.



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