Enemy Tank Falls through World

First mention: I am using Version: 4.23.0-8386587+++UE4+Release-4.23

After doing lecture 218. DotProduct() Vector Operator my enemy tank falls through the world. If I turn off the NavMeshBoundsVolume layer the enemy tank stays in the world and still shoots. Sometimes when I run with the mesh on the enemy tank will start to move and then fall through the world. So, the operator is working but I feel like I might be missing some including files. I did include the “Math/Vector.h” and that seemed to get the tanking moving when it does stay in the world. Has anyone else encountered this problem? I haven’t been researching this problem for very long so if I do find a solution I will respond to my post in hopes of helping others. Thank you for your time

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Thanks for response and post. Turns out I needed to update visual studio. I feel dumb as I usually keep up to date with these things. Again Thank you. For others who might need help with this the process is as followed:

I updated visual studio

I then got an error in unreal

From here I needed to delete the .vs folder and the intermediate folder in the project folder

Then right click on the unreal file and generate visual studio project files

I then compiled in unreal

After these steps my enemy tanks where moving and not falling through the ground any more.

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