Encountered Accessed None Trying to Read Blueprint Grabber

Following along everything was going fine. Did this lecture and spent 20 minutes head to desk over and over again trying to solve the below redoing it over and over trying to see what I missed:

Search of Unreal forums - pretty obvious error right? Means you didn’t set the object to use it. Except we never in the lectures manually set the object and up to this point my logs were showing when I grab and release just fine.


Pretty much bog standard stuff above. So last ditch effort, I closed out the editor and then rebuilt in Visual Studio.

Which auto-magically fixed the problem.

I’m posting this just as a resource for others who ran into the same issue or will in the future. Unreal is not my favorite engine because of things like this - it can be very very frustrating. My advice from a few years in UE4 - save often - compile often - use source code often so you can roll back small chunks because you’ll get hit with these type of problems fairly regularly where the answer is “restart the editor and rebuild in visual studio”.


Had the same problem, thx for saving me the trouble of finding this out by myself.

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You are a true hero

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I had the same issue!
Thank you for sharing and for the advice "- save often - compile often - use source code "

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I did this but it only works for the first couple times playing the game again and then the error starts happening again…

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I’m having the same issue as Max3, unfortunately.

Might help but I had same error so switched to use validated getter. (After dragging in the grabber component into the blueprint, right click and convert to validated getter)

Seemed to fix for me.

Thank you so much. I was worried id have to spend hours online finding a fix.

I experienced the same error. In my case I found that the Grabber component was … “missing”. And that on editor restart the Grabber reference in the Event Graph became invalid. In my case I just re-added the Grabber component and all was well.

I have not been able to reproduce again after, but I believe that under some circumstances of building from source ( for example if you have compilation failure, and then played the simulation ), that some sort of caching nonsense occurs.

I am using Rider as my editor with UnrealLink so it’s not a VSCode thing, most likely it is an Unreal thing.

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So, I have been programming for like 20 years, and finally focusing on the reason that got me into it initially. And I think, before I close the editor like the idiot, let me just check maybe somebody got the same problem and reason is new version of engine or smth that people miss…

And yeah, there is the thing that newcomers to engine miss: close the editor and recompile :smiling_imp:

So thank you. It gets mentioned in practically every video/series by many authors and comments on reddit or what have you.
You sir @Chris_Nye , made the lesson finally sink in :slight_smile:

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