Edna's Age - Polish & Standalone


You can download the game(~23.3MB) from my site. Tried uploading it here, it fails at 50%. :cry: Or checkout the WebGL version of it here or here. I noticed having the Exit (Application.Quit button) breaks the game on WebGL, so I replaced that version with an About button instead. Feedback is always appreciated.

Mobile Version

I had earlier designed a mobile look for the game, but later into the lectures I realized @Rick_Davidson wanted us to build a standalone. That version looked so awful :see_no_evil: on desktop but a bit neat viewed on mobile. :sunglasses:

Some tweaks.

I figured the game looked pointless on continuing to click Younger or Older buttons when the player was “lying” about their guess which was already guessed correctly. So I tweaked our Number Guessing script to generate random feedback text. See code below.

using TMPro;
using UnityEngine;

public class NumberGuess : MonoBehaviour {
    [SerializeField] private int minGuess;
    [SerializeField] private int maxGuess;
    [SerializeField] TextMeshProUGUI ageDisplay;
    [SerializeField] TextMeshProUGUI feedbackText; // Text to be randomised.

    int guess;
    int guessCount;

    void StartGame() {

    void NextGuess() {
        if (maxGuess >= minGuess) {
            guess = Random.Range(minGuess, maxGuess + 1);
        } else {
            string[] msg = { "Alright", "Mheen", "Darling", "Well", "See!", "Woo", "Please" };
            string[] msgLong = { "Slow Down", "Serioulsy!!", "No way! Arrgg", "Realllllly", "Come on!", "Please be nice", "Never wrong! Am sure" };
            int msgSpawn = Random.Range(0, msg.Length);
            if (guessCount % 2 == 0) {
                feedbackText.text = ("Wo, Wooo, " + msgLong[msgSpawn] + "! \n It should be ...");
            } else {
                feedbackText.text = (msg[msgSpawn] + " told you already! \n You are thinking \n that's it!");
            guessCount += 1;

        ageDisplay.text = guess.ToString();

    public void OnPressOlder() {
        minGuess = guess + 1;

    public void OnPressYounger() {
        maxGuess = guess - 1;

    void Start() {

#PS: I tested the Standalone Game Windows 8 x86 PC and it wasn’t working, but rocks on Windows 10 x64. Hoping to see such compatibility fixes along the course on publishing.

Thanks for reading through.
Be blessed.


Looks Amazing. I like how you customized your code. I’m struggling so far with C. I understand the concepts but still don’t know exactly how it all lines up. I think I just need someone to help walk me through it a few times. For example, your else statement and string arrays are very impressive. However I don’t entirely understand how the sequence works.

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Thank you @Timothy_Hood, and good evening/morning.

Did you mean struggling with C#(as Unity scripts are mostly coded in C Sharp). If you really meant C, man I really cannot throw any pointers.

Here is the thing though, am also a newbie to C#, but have some knowledge with other scripting languages like Javascript, which might be helping a bit. I don’t know about your strengths coming into the course but I think we are likely at the same stage into it.

I also struggle with the challenges, but make it a point to read the Unity docs(links always provided by Rick), Google, YouTube, rewatch the lessons and try to solve the challenges before I see the solution. Most times am totally off, or come up with a totally crude approach but it helps. By the time I get the to the solution, it’s as equally satisfying if I got to nail it as it is, seeing the other/correct approach.

I would be super glad to help. We could discuss these lessons on Slack or Discord, if you have are available on Wednesday mornings(+4GMT).

Hey Man,

Sorry it’s taken so long for me to respond. Life’s been crazy! Things have gotten much better on the C# end of things for me in Unity. I really dug in on the Block Breaker challenge, and after a lot of initial struggling on bringing my new concepts to life I feel like I’m finally getting the hang of it. I also took a scripting course in python to help improve my skills and I think the combination of the two has really helped. YouTube has also been a major asset for problem solving. My coding was conceptually not too bad but has taken me a while to get it all working together and properly tied in with the game objects. I can now look at your code and I have a much better grasp of what it accomplishes. I made a few new scripts in block breaker, one for high scores, one for user controls for example. Anyhow hope all is well in your game building journey!

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Hey Man!
Wow! Its good to hear from you and how much you have developed your skills between the time!
Been off here for a while too. Started this course during my vacation but ever since I fully got back into work, I feel I’ve deserted it for a while (was somewhere about completing the Laser Defender course, and it’s been almost 3 months :sob:). Planning on resuming it next month.

Is there any links I could play your block breaker game?

I hope you’re feeling your new found power. Keep building and breaking things.

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