Dungeon Level Start...it looked strangely familiar

I first had the idea of making a trapezoidal stone arch-like gate.

As I made it, I decided, “too wide” and narrowed it, “too shallow for character to fit in it” and deepened it, and “too regular” and added extra angles.

I put one in the level (the one you see) and went to bed.

The next day I put two more in, and started thinking, these look so familiar. What is it?

After a few minutes, I realized my subconscious must have remembered the pylons from that '70s childhood Saturday Morning TV show, “Land of the Lost”. Ok, they were more square bottomed and tapered more, and made of metal, but still, there’s a vague similarity. (From the perspective, it’s hard to see that mine does have a base a little larger than the top)

Well, if they can have portals coexisting with dinosaurs, why not portals in medieval times?


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