Dodge to the left/right?

I want to implement a targeting dodging system similar to Elden Ring, where you can circle strafe around the enemy, but can dodge to the left/right for better avoidance and control.

Anytime I turn FaceTarget(); off in my DodgingState and dodge left/right, it snaps the camera abruptly. How can I dodge to the left/right without this camera snap?

(This is regarding the Dodging section in Nathan Farrer’s 3rd Person Combat and Traversal course, not sure why I wasn’t able to tag it on the course section page itself)

UPDATE: I found a solution, I changed my TargetingCamera’s Yaw damping from 1 to 4. Wondering what other solutions are out there.

That is exactly what I was going to suggest. You can also increase the Dead Zone and Soft Zone in the Aim section.

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