Different solution to the drifting problem

I implemented a different solution to the one in the video.

In my case, I went to the physics part of CollisionComponent and ticked the boxes of “Ignore Radial Impulse” and “Ignore Radial Force” effectively avoiding the sphere from suffering a radial force/impulse that made it roll.


There is also this solution from this other post Alternate solution to the rolling pawn, that adds default movement bindings and uses the controller’s yaw rotation, hence “locking” the drifting rotation of the pawn (not sure how this one works).


So which of the three is better? In my opinion, I guess it depends on the game.

Locking rotation of the pawn may not be useful for example in a flying simulator where the roll may be a standard manouvre (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wIkJvY96i8w).

Ignoring radial forces and impulses can have consequences as well, but I don’t know right now where it could apply (not an expert on physics).

Finally, I don’t know either the effect using the controller yaw rotation has on the actual movement.

Its absolutely fine to fix a problem this way when its something the game or application will never be using. Will it be 100% effective is a better question and others will ask if its the “correct” way, some workaround, an ugly hack, etc.

Thanks for the answer and the explanation!

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