Different rotation when spawning

When the enemy object first spawn, his rotation y is -90 and that it goes to zero. How to spawn it with rotation y = 0 at once?

Hi Demonslayer,

The Instantiate method has got multiple overloads. One of them contains a parameter for the rotation. The parameter type is Quaternion, though, so you have to either do the maths, and use the correct Quoternion values to achieve the desired rotation, or you could use Quaternion.Euler.

Give it a try. :slight_smile:

See also:

The only solution that I could make is making tile with 0,0 cordinates a part of the road so when it spawns there normally it does not need to return to the road and it works

Something wrong with method return to start because when I turn it off everything works but at the same time I need it

I finally did this. I made special waypoint with the tag respawn and added to the code so the return to start would return object to the start and not to the first element of the path

Good job! :slight_smile:

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