Dependency Inversion

I used dependency inversion 2 lectures ago during the challenge. So I didn’t have to have ServerRow call Mainmenu. I also made ServerRow contain a button. In my version I had to create a new ServerRowInterface, so I’m not sure it’s actually more simple.

 * Interface for a ServerRow widget.
class SHIPPY_API ServerRowInterface
	virtual void ServerRowJoin(const FString &Address) = 0;

 * A single server in the server search menu.
class SHIPPY_API UServerRow : public UUserWidget

	FString Address;
	ServerRowInterface* Interface;

	UPROPERTY(meta = (BindWidget))
	class UButton* JoinButton;

	UPROPERTY(meta = (BindWidget))
	class UTextBlock* ServerNameText;

	bool Initialize() override;

	void SetInterface(ServerRowInterface* Interface);

	void SetServer(const FString& Name, const FString& Address);

	void OnJoinClicked();


Then in my MainMenu.cpp I have a public function to add servers, and another to reset.

void UMainMenu::SearchClearResults()

void UMainMenu::SearchAddServer(const FString& name, const FString& address)
	auto row = CreateWidget<UServerRow>(GetWorld(), ServerRowClass);
	row->SetServer(name, address);

void UMainMenu::ServerRowJoin(const FString &address)
	UE_LOG(LogShippy, Log, TEXT("UMainMenu::ServerRowJoin: %s"), *address);

The Interface->MainMenuJoinGame(address) line is the same one that was used when typing an IP address.

Using this method, GameInstance only knows about MainMenu. MainMenu only knows about MainMenuInterface and ServerRows, and ServerRow only knows about ServerRowInterface.

I like doing the challenges, because then I can see how others approach the problem. It’s neat to see how you created a list control, and I used ugly buttons.


Sorry this is not a question, just a comment. I can’t remember if these forums are for questions only.

Your post in this subforum is perfectly fine. It’s not just for questions, it’s also for showing what you came up with. Ben urges you in the videos to post your solutions to challenges and this is what you did, so are using it just as intended by the staff (I’m still in the first Unreal course, not yet in the multiplayer part, so if he and Sam still do that in the multiplayer course).

Also thanks for the insight! I enjoy looking at the different approaches of people and learning new techniques that way!

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