Dapper_Dasher: Scarfy Texture Animation failing to update

Hey all,

I started the the course and completed all the lessons for the Dapper Dasher project up until the scrolling background then went on a vacation. Upon my return, I found that the program no longer updates the Scarfy texture animation frame correctly despite no code having been changed and working as intended before. Has anyone encountered something like this before?

My code is pasted below. I could not find any meaningful differences between my code and the examples from the instructor. Maybe I just need another set of eyes.

Any and all tips or input are greatly appreciated.

#include "raylib.h"

struct AnimData
    Rectangle Rec;
    Vector2 pos;
    int frame;
    float updateTime;
    float runningTime;

bool isOnGround(AnimData data, int windowHeight)
    return data.pos.y >= windowHeight - data.Rec.height;

AnimData updateAnimData(AnimData data, float deltaTime, int maxFrame)
    //update running time
    data.runningTime =+ deltaTime;
    if (data.runningTime >= data.updateTime)
        data.runningTime = 0.0;
        //update anim frame
        data.Rec.x = data.frame * data.Rec.width;
        if (data.frame > maxFrame)
            data.frame = 0;
    return data;

int main()
    //Window Variables
    int windowDimensions[2];
    windowDimensions[0] = 512;
    windowDimensions[1] = 380;

    //Initialize Window
    InitWindow(windowDimensions[0], windowDimensions[1], "Dasher!");

    //Gravity Constant (pixels/sec per sec)
    const int gravity{1'000};
    const int jumpVel{-600};
    bool isInAir{}; 

    //Physics Variables
    //Pixels per sec.
    int velocity{0};

    //Textures Variables
    //AnimData Scarfy
    Texture2D scarfy = LoadTexture("textures/scarfy.png");
    AnimData scarfyData;
    scarfyData.Rec.width = scarfy.width/6;
    scarfyData.Rec.height = scarfy.height;
    scarfyData.Rec.x = 0;
    scarfyData.Rec.y = 0;
    scarfyData.pos.x = (windowDimensions[0]/2) - (scarfyData.Rec.width/2);
    scarfyData.pos.y = (windowDimensions[1] - scarfyData.Rec.height);
    scarfyData.frame = 0;
    scarfyData.updateTime = (1.0/12);
    scarfyData.runningTime = 0.0;

    //AnimData Nebula
    Texture2D nebula = LoadTexture("textures/12_nebula_spritesheet.png");

    //Array nebula hazards
    const int sizeOfNebulae{10};
    AnimData nebulae[sizeOfNebulae]{};

    for (int i = 0; i < sizeOfNebulae; i++)
        nebulae[i].Rec.x = 0.0;
        nebulae[i].Rec.y = 0.0;
        nebulae[i].Rec.width = nebula.width/8;
        nebulae[i].Rec.height = nebula.height/8;
        nebulae[i].pos.y = windowDimensions[1] - nebula.height/8;
        nebulae[i].frame = 0;
        nebulae[i].updateTime = 0.0;
        nebulae[i].runningTime = 0.0;
        nebulae[i].pos.x = windowDimensions[0] + i * 300;

    //Nebula x velocity pixels/sec
    int nebVel{-200};

        //Start Drawing

        //delta time
        float dT{GetFrameTime()};

        //Begin Game Logic
        //Check if scarfy is in air
        if (isOnGround(scarfyData, windowDimensions[1]))
            //rectangle on the ground
            velocity = 0 * dT;
            isInAir = false;
            //apply gravity
            velocity += gravity * dT;
            isInAir = true;

        //Check Jumping
        if (IsKeyPressed(KEY_SPACE) && !isInAir)
            velocity += jumpVel;    

        //update nebula position
        for (int i = 0; i < sizeOfNebulae; i++)
            nebulae[i].pos.x += nebVel * dT;

        //update Scarfy position (vert.)
        scarfyData.pos.y += velocity * dT;

        //Update runningTime
        scarfyData.runningTime += dT;

        //update Scarfy Animation Frame
        if (!isInAir)
           scarfyData = updateAnimData(scarfyData, dT, 5);
            scarfyData.Rec.x = scarfyData.frame * scarfyData.Rec.width;

        //update nebula animation frame
        for (int i = 0; i < sizeOfNebulae; i++)
           nebulae[i] = updateAnimData(nebulae[i], dT, 8);
        //Draw Nebula
        for (int i = 0; i < sizeOfNebulae; i++)
            DrawTextureRec(nebula, nebulae[i].Rec, nebulae[i].pos, WHITE);

        //Draw Scarfy
        DrawTextureRec(scarfy, scarfyData.Rec, scarfyData.pos, WHITE);

        //End Game Logic
        //Stop Drawing

In updateAnimData, data.runningTime =+ deltaTime; should be data.runningTime += deltaTime;

You were assigning the value of dT to runningTime instead of adding it to the value of runningTime. The reason this worked for the nebula is because updateTime for the nebula is set to 0, so assigning dT to its runningTime would automatically make the if-statement true.


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