Cycle rendering Problem

I encountered a problem on cycle render.
My textures are different from what i used.


Really nice effect though!

Very odd, I am guessing it is a variation on the look when Blender can not locate the image files.
The ground is a texture so I doubt it is a Cycles problem. But some setting related to those trees.

Does it work in viewport renders?


It was working on Eevee but cycle was same even in the viewport

Now I’m Facing another problem, the trees aren’t showing…

That makes me think you need to save the images. Eevee, on the most recent versions of Blender, updates to the latest changes whether changed or not. Cycles always gets the saved texture (or packed texture if it is packed instead of saved).


That highlighted ‘torn page’ icon I have never seen before but seems a clear message that there is a broken link to some data probably the image file. It also probably makes its own render ‘camera’ icon at the far right greyed out. And has lost entirely the eye icon on viewport visibility.

That seems clearly the area for investigating.

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How to save the image?

Is there any way to fix this?
Bdw I was practicing to link and append the objects from one scene to other…

Ah well, that may well be related.
I would delete the troublesome objects and re-append them in, or re-link them. That should re-establish the links to the data.

Sir, Is there any other way to fix this?

This is my scene before there was problem. If there is any other way to fix it

You could try appending your tree, then link the object data to the tree objects that aren’t displaying.

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