Cyberpunk Girl Sculpture

I learned a lot through this project, though it is still in progress.
The idea is to create a beautiful but deadly cyberpunk android.
I used several references to sculpt something realistic with exaggerated proportions just like those used in comics.
I will be updating this character with more changes…

Feel free to make any suggestion ^^


Great human shape. But how to see it is a Cyborg?
Tattoos on the face … which can easily be done in Substance Painter.
At a distance, you see it is obviously a female. But Cyborg …

I got the feeling the hand lower arm is too long.

Some students worked hard on the topic “Kitchen Robots”. Can you have a peek and vote? Thank you so much.

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Thanks for the feedback!

As I continue this project I will add more robot parts and try to give it more a cyborg feeling.

About the arms, I think I merged the hand a little bigger with the rest of the body, I’ll try to fix the proportion without losing the details.

Next post I will bring it textured :smiley:

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Great work with the sculpting.

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Very well done! I work with a good many professionally created 3D female characters, and except for the stretched finger length, your character is looking good!

I look forward to seeing how she progresses. :slight_smile:

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Very nice. Clothing too.


Thank you for the feedback :smiley:

I already fixed her finger proportions, I will be posting when I finish the textures.

Thanks :blush:

I used some similar clothes folds reference I found on google, and tried to emulate the stretch.

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Thanks! :grin:

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