Creating a Cinemachine Cut Scene Sequence

My moment story is you’ve been sent to assassinate the leader of a band of ruffians. You can either kill them all or sneak through and kill the leader by himself. I came up with these cinematics based on that premise.



Here’s my iteration. This was pretty cool to learn about, and I’m looking forward to using Cinemachine with Timeline more in the future!

Here is my current opening Cinematic as well as some gameplay for the RPG Course

1 Like My favorite things about making this is that I figured out how to trigger animations and make the camera follow the worms head instead of the base on my own :slight_smile:

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Here is my Intro movie :slight_smile:

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But it looks really professional!


Here’s my little cutscene! Simple environment (just a little guard-post with some wooden towers). Took me a second to figure out what the heck I was doing haha

Hi it is mine:

What do you think about the raven?


My RPG Intro Sequence:

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Your video is really impressive, I love the smooth movement of the camera to return to the player! Did you use a dolly track? The raven entering the frame at the begining is really cool!

Here is my take on the first cinematic. :slight_smile:

Not much, but at least something :smiley:

#100DaysOfCode R3D14/100 Got my first moment for @GameDevTV’s #RPG course!

What do you think? Is this a good first moment?

Quest (Working Title) First Moment


Thought I would share my own as well.

Unlike apparently a lot of you, I chose to keep the default models and textures. Once I finish this, I plan on making just a small level, incorporating some of the skills I have learned over the years to just further test myself.

Feel free to give any advice!

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Gotta say, I love the textures, the models and the ocean. But in reguards to the sequence, nicely done! I personally like it and it makes sense to me. Good job and good luck on your journey!

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Very nice!
Nothing wrong with sticking to the course provided assets as you go. If you’re planning on making this into a published game in the future, you’d still need to change things up (or get the appropriate licenses), but that’s not at all necessary at this stage of the game.


Great job syncing up the wolves to the location of the camera in the cutscene!

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That’s very kind, thank you so much! You as well :grin: Your scene is looking great, I can tell you’re working hard on it, keep up the great work!

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Hey, thanks! I appreciate it!

My current intensions are to use this to portfolio and built another game with my own assets as I love to model. But I do need to welcome the idea of using other peoples assets but that will be for larger projects. Thanks for the comment Brian!

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