How did you go with creating a cut scene? If you have a video of your sequence, please do share!
Here’s mine I left the gizmos turned on.
Mine is sucky
but its a start - mine wouldnt return to the first camera, so I made a small hack script to do that, for now… I need to make a more compelling reason to go in the village to kill the guards… claim its a key or something
Cut scenes make such a big difference, and really add a lot of character! Very happy that there are still new features like this being introduced in the remaster of the course, rather than being a fairly direct remake.
lookin’ good there!
Spent almost all day on it.
I would like to present you with my bad cinematic attempt, I admit it was kinda hard, add at the start the script for make my player run out from a cave that it’s falling apart
I personally like it very much. The guards look professional and you show them in the professional way. Like in a movie. Probably I like this one the most. Just because you show the guards so well and because also they have those chest like objects looking like some kind of barricade.
Thank you very much Robert
Incredibly simplistic cinematic intro
One quick bit of feedback - try to have your camera go just over the shoulder of your character rather than right through the middle.
This was my attempt at creating a cinematic for the Western RPG game I’m creating alongside this course.
My Cinematic intro:
This was my attempt at creating a cinematic for the Kings && Lords game I’m creating alongside this course. it’ll be a Stealth based game. I’ve a long way to go.
Created my first cinematic. Took a couple of days and lots of trial and error. Had to figure out ways to trigger animations to happen once the player ran through the cinematic trigger and not when the scene first gets loaded. I also wanted my background music not to play since it sounds a bit jumpy as the camera move down the dolly track and then back and forth from the dragon to the player.