Conway's Game of Life for PC (and unity project)

I decided to see what I could do in just a day. Not a full day, I mixed it with doing exercises in a mathematics textbook and reading about fractals and “power napping” and other things, but really, “a day”.

My first “downloadable”:

If you don’t have a 64-bit PC, you can run it in the latest Unity 5.5 using the project/source code:

but you do have to import the Cross Platform Input Manager standard asset from Unity.

John Horton Conway’s Game of Life for Unity 3D

a mini-game, unlike Rome, built in a day.

Project files for Unity version 5.5.0f3

Hit Escape to pause. Then, move cursor with mouse and left-click to “activate” cells. Use scroll wheel to zoom in and out, and right-click-drag the canvas to pan it around. Hit Escape again to unpause and watch it evolve.

Fellow student Unity developers might want to notice the use of a coroutine in the Update method of the Board.cs script, necessary to keep the game from becoming unresponsive on each generation.

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