Hi there
I’ve been learning about the different logging command line options. I found -ABSLOG=
Anyway, all I really wanted was to save my logs to a file each time I ran the game from command-line (actually I am using Powershell).
PS C:\Users\DesignDemon> & "C:\Program Files\Epic Games\UE_4.27\Engine\Binaries\Win64\UE4Editor.exe"
"C:\Users\DesignDemon\Documents\Unreal Projects\3_Steam_Multiplayer-master\UnrealProject\PuzzlePlatforms\PuzzlePlatforms.uproject"
-game -log -ABSLOG='C:/mylog.txt'
So I tried the command above. But no matter what I put as the path it never gets saved. Also I tried just -LOG
and checked in all the relevant folders (ie. The folder where I opened Powershell, The project folder and the UE4 folder) but I couldn’t find my actual log.
The problem is I am opening two instances of the game from Powershell. There is no ‘Build’ folder in my project currently.
Hoping someone can help d:)