Combat hopes and dreams

This is the place to discuss the whole section coming up. Use the lecture tag #1_bc_rpg or the section #basic-combat to post with.

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Dual wielding weapons! Magic abilities combined with swords!

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I guess I did ask for the hopes and dreams :hot_face:


One can dream :joy:

+1 to dual wielding. Dual wielding weapons make the combat twice as awesome.


a bit too late into this thread…
but I am not sure if this has been touched on in other threads, but I think it would be cool for auto attack to have a cycle through a couple of attack animations rather than one specific attack, just to make it a bit more interesting than seeing one attack constantly for the default attack animation.
I assume its a possibility to cycle through an array of animations or something like that?
maybe they swing the sword with a forehand stance on first animation, and the next second its a back hand stance… just thinking out loud here.


It would look much nicer to randomise I agree. Something for polishing later in the course.

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Perhaps there should be a way to damage multiple enemies/targets at once. Thought of this because of how huge the sword is at the moment. It just feels like it would be better if it could damage everyone who gets hit by it and not just the target.

Also, area effect abilities are kind of a must in most combat system. Maybe this is more appropriate for when you implement special abilities.


We will do area affects in the ability system in the next part. As for multiple damage. You could totally do that. You would need a weapon script similar to the projectile script. It could deal out the amount of damage set by the fighter when it collides with enemies.


I am only starting the equip weapons of the remastered section, so not sure if this is already covered.
But if possible to have to option to draw weapons from a sheath ( sheath and unsheathe sword), if I recall from the first version of the course the weapon was attached to hand all the time?

would be cool to draw the weapon i.e pull the weapon out from the sheath - have a toggle between sheath and unsheathe / attack should automatically draw weapon and attack.

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We aren’t currently planning this.

ok fair enough :slight_smile:

Lots of potential features, we have to get selective to actually finish this course some time in the next couple of years :stuck_out_tongue:

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Target of player
I was wondering if something like showing which enemy is currently targeted will be implemented (probably in part two I hope). In a case one is battling 2+ enemies at once, to easily see what the current target is. The circle / shape on the target

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I think probably not to try and keep the scope from creeping on us.

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