Took me a bit to figure this out, but I found that if you try to pass action input value directly it doesnt get sent to client. So I had to change the delcaration in the header and implement the cpp with the below. FVector2D is used because I am setting this up with standard wsad movement via IMC. Meaning the input is mapped as a 2d axis input(no Z axis). Also setting up the keys with swizzle axis input and negates for the approprait keys, you can look that the documentation to see how to handle it.
/** Called for movement input to server */
UFUNCTION(Server, Reliable, WithValidation)
void Server_Move(FVector2D MovementVector);
/** Called for movement input to local*/
void Move(const FInputActionValue& Value);
void AGoKart::Move(const FInputActionValue &Value)
FVector2D MovementVector = Value.Get<FVector2D>();
if (Controller != nullptr)
//Sets the user input to forward amount of Y axis and roational amount in right/left with X axis
Throttle = MovementVector.Y;
SteeringThrow = MovementVector.X;
void AGoKart::Server_Move_Implementation(FVector2D MovementVector)
if (Controller != nullptr)
//Sets the user input to forward amount of Y axis and roational amount in right/left with X axis
Throttle = MovementVector.Y;
GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(-1,5,FColor::Blue,FString::Printf(TEXT("Throttle: %f"), Throttle));
SteeringThrow = MovementVector.X;
bool AGoKart::Server_Move_Validate(FVector2D MovementVector)
return (FMath::Abs(MovementVector.X) <= 1 && FMath::Abs(MovementVector.Y) <=1);
//return true;
side note: if you use add movement input i beleive it already replicates on the server and client without having to add anything, but since I am trying to match the way movement is handled with IMC and the new action input system, you will need to replicate the movement, translation and rotation which is covered in a later lecture. So for now this should get you going in 5.1.