Chess Set with Generated Marble Pieces

I had already decided to do the chessboard squares in wood, so I played around with generated textures on the pieces instead. White marble with a Wave Texture, MixRGB (Color Dodge), and Brightness/Contrast node, and black marble with a similar setup but an Invert node thrown in and some of the values adjusted. Rendered in Cycles.

I elected to go high poly on my chess set and learned a lot getting that slot cut out without artifacting on my bishop piece. On to the final pieces!


Looking very nice so far. Only the grain on the board is ‘unrealistic’. It would most unlikely be made from one hunk of wood, the sides grain would go alone each side and have a corner join.

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True! I imagine he’ll go into UV unwrapping soon, and I can get that fixed up. :smiley:

Hey, question. The wood textures in this course, and other downloadable resources in GameDevTV courses - do you know if we’re allowed to use for our own projects, or are they basically licensed for course work only?

Pretty sure they are all freely available freely useable from the usual sites.

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Ah, okay!

There is a page here with links to such sites.

Very nice! I There are several on that list I didn’t know about. Thank you!

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