Chess Scene - Low and High Poly Chess Set

I finished my chess scene. Ever since we learned about the classic trick of blue and orangy lighting, I envisioned a scene with a window and a fireplace. I didn’t want to spend too much time with it since there is still so much to learn, but I added some objects and details to make it look a bit more convincing.

I reviewed everyhting from section 4 in the process, and also learned some new little tricks. It was a lot of fun! My only regret is spending so much time waiting for cycles to render, finding mistakes, and then rendering again. I tried to render 4k with Cycles, but my computer was like nahhh not gonna happen. Wish I had a better one.

I’m really starting to appreciate real time rendering with Eevee now, 4k crispy images in an instant. Also, the volumetric lighting just naturally appears in Eevee, which is sweet.

All in all, I’m happy with the result and really looking forward to the next section.

So here’s a couple of shots I took with both Eevee and Cycles.

Far (Eevee):

Far (Cyles):

Front (Eevee):

Front (Cycles):

Whiskey Decanter and Glasses, only with Cycles because I don’t have the knowledge of making liquid look good through glass in Eevee. I was thinking about trying the liquid simulation, but saved that for another day.

Low poly chess pieces (Eevee):

High poly chess pieces (Cycles):

Low poly knight, depth of field (Eevee):

High poly knight, depth of field (Cycles):

Maybe it became a little bit too much about the scene and less about the pieces in the end. But it’s ok, after completing the next section, I want to come back and create a neat little animation to showcase my pieces properly in a well lit environment.

That’s all folks. Cheers


Very nice chess sets and Fantastic room and all the additional pieces, the great lighting too.


Amazing work


Thank you very much!

Thank you!

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