Character not animating

I’m having an issue with the enemy animations. For some reason, it just won’t animate no matter what I try. All the other logic works great. It stands there, faces, follows, and even stops to attack. However, it t-poses the entire time and doesn’t animate. I’ve re-downloaded the model and animations several times now, with no effect. When I re-plug in all the animations, everything seems to line up, but when I check after playing all of the animations say that the position is missing. I’ve included a screenshot of the animation window. Let me know if you need any more info.

The first thing that comes to mind is the Avatar setting in the Animator. Make sure that the Avatar in the Animator on the Enemy is the same avatar from the FBX file that we used to import the enemy…

I see the field for Avatars, but there’s no options for it. I should also note that the player animates just fine, but it doesn’t have an Avatar field either.

I remembered, we’re using the animations imported with the characters, no need for avatars, which are useful for when we convert the animations to “Humanoid”. Make sure that the animations that you are using for the enemy states are the ones that were imported with the enemy character. The ones imported with the Player won’t work in the Enemy character and vice versa.

I’ve done so. I made sure the enemy model was selected when I downloaded the animations from Mixamo. No effect.

Yes, what I was referring to was making sure that the animations used in the Enemy’s Animator are the ones downloaded with the enemy. This is a common problem, quite easy to get the wrong one as they have similar names and file paths.

Go to each State in the enemy animator, and click on the underlying animation. Make sure that they are the ones in the Enemy folder.

Yep, each animation is the enemy specific one.

One more thing to try, make sure that there isn’t an Animator anywhere in the heirarchy for the enemy, just the one on the top (sometimes an Animator is added to the character you drag onto the enemy’s game object, and it can interfere with the animator at the top level).
If that doesn’t work, I’m not sure what’s going on, and I’ll need a closer look.
Zip up your project file and upload it to Be sure to remove the Library folder to conserve space. I’ll take a look and see if I can figure out what’s going on.

Yep, only the one animator component. I’ve just uploaded the project to that link. Thanks for taking a look.

In this case, I was able to get the character animating correctly by moving the Animator to the “zombie” gameobject in Prefab mode, removing it from the top level Enemy (and re-assigning the Animator in EnemyStateMachine to the Animator on Zombie).

I don’t know why sometimes the Animator needs to be on that lower level

Thanks, that worked! Must be the ghosts in the machines pulling jokes. :wink:

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